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Leptin & Ghrelin: the Laurel & Hardy of hunger hormones

Think of Leptin as the Laurel of Laurel & Hardy fame!. In Greek, Leptin means thin. It is a hormone produced by fat cells that help to regulate appetite and energy metabolism. When leptin levels are high, it signals the brain that the body has sufficient energy stores, consequently reducing hunger and increasing energy expenditure.

On the other hand, Ghrelin - the Hardy of this pair - is released by the stomach when it is empty, signaling your brain that it is time to eat. Ghrelin is at its highest right before you eat, and its lowest about an hour after a meal. It is fast-acting and decreases dramatically when you are full.

Both leptin and ghrelin play important roles in regulating appetite and energy metabolism. However, when the balance between these hormones is disrupted, it can contribute to weight gain and other health problems - just like every episode in which Laurel and Hardy squabble!.

These tips will help reverse your leptin resistance:

Eat healthy fats: They aid in satiety as well as help reduce leptin resistance, so be sure to add them to your daily diet.

  • Start your day by consuming 3-4 walnuts, or 6-8 almonds, or just add an avocado to your breakfast plate

  • Toss your vegetables in healthy coconut oil or just add some olive oil to your salad dressing

  • A teaspoon of flaxseeds and chia seeds after your meal can also help you manage your appetite

Have a protein-rich breakfast: Add 16-35 grams of protein to your breakfast (depending on your daily needs). This will help keep the weight off and will, in return, improve leptin sensitivity.

Challenge yourself to eat less sugar: Start reducing your current consumption of sugary foods by 25%. Once you achieve this goal, then gradually move towards eliminating added sugar from your diet altogether.

Get 8 to 10 hours of sleep nightly: Studies show that getting 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep a night results in better leptin sensitivity, reduced cravings and a better balance of hunger and energy balancing hormones.

To help extend your sleep cycle, before going to bed try taking a warm shower, spend 10 mins relaxing over a hobby, or practice 2-minutes of deep breathing at bedtime.

Exercise, exercise, exercise: Make it a priority to exercise for at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Moderate activity like walking or strength training are a couple of good options. Ultimately, your goal should be 150 minutes of exercise a week.

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